Education Reforms in Pakistan

Why Education Should Be compulsory???

Education is compulsory for all. Education gives us the knowledge to face the world and problems. Education is gift and key to success. A school is a place where children learn manners to live in society.
Education is an important source of gaining skills and knowledge which are helpful in future. We start gaining the education at home, from that time as we grow, we go to school, colleges and other educational institutions.In human life education brings positive changes. It gives greater value to the knowledge and enables a person to lead a good life.

Child Education:

Child education is very important. Children get their early education at school. Every child has right to get the education. Education is the right of a girl as well as a boy.

Education At Colleges, Universities And Other Institutes:

After getting the early education, a student should join a college or other professional institute to gain higher education and skills.


Illiteracy is a social evil. Because an illiterate person is not able to face many aspects of life which involve reading, writing, and arithmetical calculations. So an illiterate person can not lead a successful life.

Importance Of Education In ISLAM:

Islam emphasizes on education. Islam says that without education no one can find the right path. Education is necessary for both man and women . The importance of education in Islam is because of two reasons.
1- Education makes a person a right thinker. With education, a person can differentiate in good and bad things. But without education man can not know what is good and bad for him and for others.
2- And the second reason is that by gaining education man is able to receive education from the external world.  
The first verses of Quran show the importance of education in Islam.

"Read. Read in the name of thy Lord who created; [He] created the human being from the blood clot. Read in the name of thy Lord who taught by the pen: [He] taught the human being what he did not know." 

The Quran Says:
"Are those who have knowledge equal to those who do not have knowledge?!”(39:9)


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